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March 31, 2022

Spring Greetings from the farm! I keep putting off writing to you, thinking that I will find a way to make a different plan for this year, but I think it's time to make an announcement...

It’s with very mixed feelings that I share that I will not be offering Summer shares this season. Although it’s my favorite thing to do, with our small scale it’s incredibly difficult to keep our farm financially viable. Mike and I both work “real” jobs to keep the farm rolling, and after the last two years I’m just worn out. We still have berries galore (in fact, we may have a few blueberries this year!), and I’ll be focusing my energy on those, sweet corn, my day job, and maybe even my family on occasion 😊.

I am so incredibly grateful for all of you, and I hope that you have enjoyed the produce as much as I have enjoyed providing it for you.

Please know that this doesn't mean the forever end of shares! I will keep reassessing and see if I can make this work for us again in future seasons.

With love and gratitude, Heidi Boistfort Valley Farm, Inc.

PO Box 130 Curtis, WA 98538 360.880.1584


Happy New Year from the Boistfort Valley!

We hope your Winter has been restful and rejuvenating so far. Here at the farm we are enjoying a little down time, pruning berries and apple trees, working on tractors, and planning for 2021.

After feedback from all of you, and after talking with the other farmers we worked with in 2020, we have decided to offer a Summer CSA again for 2021!

We anticipate growing a wider variety here of vegetables on the farm, and expanding our berries and corn. We will also keep working with the same NW organic farmers again to supplement what we grow and bring you a wide variety of gorgeous, fresh, organic produce and cut flowers. We have also decided, in order to keep the farm work sustainable for us, to limit the number of shares available this year. Please sign up early to reserve your spot for Summer! We anticipate selling out.

If you have any questions, please check out our frequently asked questions page on the website, or send us an email.

We look forward to an amazing season!

Your farmers,

Heidi & Mike Peroni

Boistfort Valley Farm, Inc.



The longer I farm, the more I realize that farming is a magical experience. It requires a great deal of faith in the soil, in the seasons, in the seeds, and in ourselves.

Seedlings, basil, flats
Baby Basil, April 2020 photo by NP

We are not so much producers as caretakers. The weather does what it wants, the plants respond accordingly, the equipment either agrees with us or it doesn't, and we do what we can to make everything go smoothly. It is an awesome and humbling experience.

I wrote these words 15 years ago, maybe more, and they are still true. I am so grateful for every turn that keeps me coming back to growing food and feeding my community. During these uncertain times it feels more critical than ever to nourish our community, both with food and connection to the Earth. So it's official. Boistfort Valley Farm is launching a Summer CSA.

Our model will be a little different this year than in seasons past. We will provide freshly harvested fruit and produce from our farm AND other northwest farms. Our goal is to help farmers (ourselves included!) keep doing what they love in a sustainable way.

This subscription season is truly community supported agriculture. Our farm and other northwest farms will directly supply you with fresh food for the season, and our farm's livelihood directly depends on your participation. Know that you are a part of something greater. That we are a CommUnity. We're all in.

What's Next?

Sign ups for the Summer CSA open this week. We will begin with a limited distribution area to make sure that we are working in a sustainable way for ourselves, and doing an amazing job for you. Please sign up early to reserve your spot (and get a discount for prepayment in full!). We can't wait to feed you!

with Gratitude, heidi

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